Nov 15, 2012

Japanese lesson (9): 以上

So, perhaps some of you have noticed as you finish each of my posts you see this kanji bit: 以上

The initial idea is to set some sort of line breaker of some sort to separate each post from anything else underneath it. My aim was to make a post perfectly clear that you've reached the end of the post.
But I didn't just pick any kanji. I wanted the one that reads "ijyou."

"What does that mean" you ask? While watching various anime, we usually have a character that gives a lecture or a meeting. Usually in a professional setting like a business meeting or a military proposal. After the lecture is over, they say "ijyou" or "ijyoudesu"

I figure I'll do the same. Just thought I'd let you know. You can use this term when conducting a workshop, speech, lecture, and the like as well.
This term has also been used after ordering something. Sort of like a reply you can use when they ask around the lines of "Would that be all?" Then you can reply "Ijyoudesu" (That's all). If you're in Japan of course.


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