Jun 11, 2009

anime/manga epiphany (1): Satomi Koorogi

SO, I was sure... for those people that have seen Fullmetal Alchemist and Naruto... I was positive that Naruto's and Edward's seiyuu were the same person.  I was wrong of course... Sad day.  I guess what got me was both Edward's and Naruto's obnoxious attitudes that made me think they were similar in terms of seiyuu.

BUT there was one thing I knew I got right. Thus, the actual epiphany.
So, I finally started watching Fullmetal Alchemist a few days ago... Around episodes 5-7, I'm sure y'all were engaged with the cute Nina-chan. (Yes, very sad thing what happened with her...) Her voice was adorable as well. I thought to myself... "hey, I've heard a cute voice similar to hers as well."  I went through anime character's voices i've recently listened to in my head... that's when the epiphany appeared.
Nina and Chi (from Chi's Sweet Home) have the same seiyuu. I was sure of it. I looked it up and I was right!! Yay!
I'm always proudish when I find these stuff out on my own. My oldest sister has that little 'gift' as well with U.S. acters/actresses. So, the person behind Nina-chan and Chi-chan is Saomi Koorogi. Let us give her a big hand for doing a great job :]


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