Jun 19, 2009

ドラゴンボール改: A Dragon Ball Kai Review

That is about my most favorite scene from Dragon Ball Kai. For those that don't know, Bandai has just recently re-released Dragon Ball Z calling it Dragon Ball Kai.
There's really no difference between the two 'sides a few things

  • Bandai cut up the pointless powerups and those awe-faces that take up a good 5 min too long
  • new openings and endings that of course weren't in the original DBZ
  • it's in Japanese (original seiyuu) and subbed now to DL by decent subbers

It sure brings back memories. At the same time, it's fresh being that you get to hear 'em in Japanese. I doubt they'll be licensing Kai anytime soon.... hopefully.

Nov 2012: If you're curious, I did eventually dropped this series and it's been releasing on the Nickelodean channel last time I heard.


Jun 14, 2009

Anime Epiphany (2): Etsuko Kozakura

As I was watching and editing Chi's Sweet Home for my Youtube channel, I've noticed the familar voice played by Youhei. After listening to him a while longer, I've noticed Youhei's "waaiii" and Tamama's (from Keroro Gunsou) "waaiii" are very similar. I confirmed it as true through animenewsnetwork. Both Tamama and Youhei is played by actress Etsuko Kozakura-san.

Ya, I'm good, hehe.


Jun 11, 2009

anime/manga epiphany (1): Satomi Koorogi

SO, I was sure... for those people that have seen Fullmetal Alchemist and Naruto... I was positive that Naruto's and Edward's seiyuu were the same person.  I was wrong of course... Sad day.  I guess what got me was both Edward's and Naruto's obnoxious attitudes that made me think they were similar in terms of seiyuu.

BUT there was one thing I knew I got right. Thus, the actual epiphany.
So, I finally started watching Fullmetal Alchemist a few days ago... Around episodes 5-7, I'm sure y'all were engaged with the cute Nina-chan. (Yes, very sad thing what happened with her...) Her voice was adorable as well. I thought to myself... "hey, I've heard a cute voice similar to hers as well."  I went through anime character's voices i've recently listened to in my head... that's when the epiphany appeared.
Nina and Chi (from Chi's Sweet Home) have the same seiyuu. I was sure of it. I looked it up and I was right!! Yay!
I'm always proudish when I find these stuff out on my own. My oldest sister has that little 'gift' as well with U.S. acters/actresses. So, the person behind Nina-chan and Chi-chan is Saomi Koorogi. Let us give her a big hand for doing a great job :]


Jun 9, 2009

けいおん!: A Review on the anime K-on!

even my desktop likes K-on! :p

You like slice-of-life genre? Did you like Azumanga Daioh, Lucky Star, or even Haruhi? Planing to re-live that experience again? You'll like K-on!
A great anime that came out just this year and I'm already on episode 10 out of 13.

a few reasons to watch けいおん!:
  1. the Main character Yui is comparable to Osaka from Azumanga Daioh. She's a genius in her own way, but to the normal people, a weirdo XD 
  2. another girl by the name of Mio is quite similar to Kagami from Lucky Star
  3. Mio's childhood friend name is Ritsu. Tomo and Yomi's relationship is also comparable to Mio and Ritsu's
  4. K-on!'s moe is comparable to Haruhi as well as the animation.
  5. the ending song, "Don't Say  'Lazy' " is just kick-ass. It's Ranked #2, #4 on Oricon Weekly Chart--4/28). They made the main characters look like they're real Jpop artists which makes it quite special from any other anime I've seen.
other than those similarities  there are of course differences which makes it stand out from those other anime. Go go go watch it!!


アイラミツキ: An Aira Mitsuki Review


I give you guys--Aira Mitsuki's "Copy"

Mediafire part 1....part 2

in a phrase, "if you like Perfume, you'll like Mitsuki Aira." They both carry this electro feel in their music afterall. Mitsuki Aira is less popish and is not "electropop," but "electronica"genre. She's no morning-musume-meets-techno-group, but she does get brownie points for being a songwriter and standing out. Aira-san is actually newer; she debuted in 2007. Try her out. I reccommend.
This one is her very first album; can't wait till her next one comes out :]

Please enjoy and as always... please comment when you snag!! ありがとう


Anime/manga lesson (1): The Harem and Reverse Harem Genre

As all anime fanatics may have noticed, every anime has its own genre. The U.S. don't have such genre in their animated and comics world which is why i'm labeling this as a Japanese sort of lesson as well. Today shall be these most interesting genre: Harem and Reverse Harem

In general terms, "harem" involves many woman associating with one man. Usually the woman are meant as sexual partners and/or multiple spouses; in addition to daughters, female entertainers and servants of that one male. "Harem" usually is used in Muslim tradition as it is more geared to the dwelling place for such a particular group of woman.
"Harem" for animals (i.e. elephants, meerkats, lions, etc.), is more suited for a group of females that would will only allow one fertile male in the group. Meaning the animal use of harem is slightly different in the social hierarchy as the females are in control in contrast to the man in a human harem.
If we were to put this in anime/manga terms, the Harem genre involves, of course, many females. The many woman are beautiful in their own way and all have their little attraction to the male protagonist. Throughout the manga/anime you'll see these females trying various ways to get the male protagonists' attention as to get closer to him in comparison to their female rivals. Sometimes, the females won't realize their feelings towards the male protagonist 'till much later into the anime/manga. A great example of a Harem genre would be Tenchi Muyo! and Ranma 1/2.
This is no surprise that the Harem genre is geared towards the male audiences/readers.

If a Harem genre was geared towards the female audiences, this would be called a "Reverse Harem." You guessed it--t involves many attractive men and one female protagonist. anime/manga examples can be Fushigi Yuugi and Ouran High School Host Club. Now, I could be wrong, but that sort of genre doesn't seem to be labeled as much. If anything, a Reverse-harem is just simply implied within a particular anime/manga.

Observations: From what I noticed, all the males within a reverse-harem are not necessarily attracted to the female protagonist. In fact, most of them are just there for eye-candy. However, there are things like fan-service to give teasing hints that may be a male is attracted to the female protagonist. In contrast to a harem genre, most of the females ARE attracted to the male protagonist whether it's subtle or outrageous.
Rule of thumb for both harem and reverse harem = fanservice and ecchi depending on the audience accordingly.

Nov 2012: As of now, the harem/reverse-harems genre seems to be evolving in a way that it hasn't become as obvious. So, this may be put to rest as something in the past--BUT still good to know when exploring older anime.
